Thursday, December 02, 2004

Two personal notes

I have occasion for two celebrations.

First, my dear BrRAR (who has contributed to the conversation at this site, and who has the insight, sensitivity, and good sense to run rings around may bloggers -- so why doesn't he have his own?) has recently undertaken a new ministry: He is now the director of chaplaincy services at a local hospital. In his new position, he will be called on not just to lend his support and compassion, but to apply his remarkable administrative ability and organizational skills. I don't know whether he was growing dissatisfied in his former position, but if he was, this is very good news because it keeps him local and at hand. That is a boon for him, for his family, for our church, and for me personally.

Bravo, RAR. Your in my prayers.

Second, while I was dressing this morning, I turned on a new-to-me recording of Puccini's opera Turandot. My daughter who was dressing in her room called out, "I know that opera. You were listening to it the other day while you were working on my bed." The point: She can recognize differences in opera music -- and not just the great aria(S?), but from the recitativo. She's 11 and fairly musical; and she used to sing along with The Magic Flute in the car (though not very seriously). But it does an opera-loving father's heart proud to hear "I recognize that."


Oh, and while we're on "Alleluia": When she was about 3 ( or maybe 4?), we were driving back from buying her some Easter shoes. Thus, it was Lent. She piped up from her car seat, "Papa, when will Lent be over so that we can sing the "alleluia" again?" I nearly ran off the road in my joy and astonishment. From the mouths of babes.

I know: Three personal notes, not two.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Brother D.,
Thank you for mentioning me among these two/three personal notes. I am touched and honored. And thank you also for your prayers. They are needed and appreciated.